Preschool Education in Maryland [Infographic]


Maryland is one of the most progressive states in the country when it comes to education. Education Week’s Quality Counts assessment consistently places Maryland at the top of its rankings for public school systems in the U.S. In December 2014, Maryland was awarded a $15 million federal grant to help expand preschool programs for low-income 4-year-olds throughout the state.

Even with its support of early education, the state of preschool in Maryland shows a large gap between those attending preschool and those who are not. Only about half of 3-4 year olds attend preschool, and those who do are twice as likely to be assessed as “kindergarten ready” by the time they formally enter school. KidAdmit has pulled the latest data to develop the following infographic, providing a snapshot view of Preschool Education in Maryland. (Click on the image for an expanded view.)

Preschool Education in Maryland Infographic